Thursday, December 9, 2010

Greetings from California!

Hey everyone! Meredith I think this is an awesome idea. I just have to teach my mom how to post on it now. :)

Everything is going well in California for the Machaceks. I am wrapping up my second to last semester of law school and Ken is loving his work editing reality television programming for TLC and Discovery. We are headed to Cleveland for the holidays this year and I couldn't be more excited.

Today we are celebrating our four year wedding anniversary. Can you believe it has been four years since we had you all in snowy Cleveland?

Love you all, and I hope to see some of you in the upcoming year.



  1. Happy anniversary, Molly and Ken. Four years! Amazing. Have a wonderful Christmas and a great end of law school.

    Auntie Joan

  2. Thanks Aunt Joan! Have a wonderful Christmas as well!
